The Tenets of The Dwelling Place Intl. Community
We are a 5-fold ministry operating in the Gifts of the Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist, and Pastor.
We believe that Jesus and God are one and that the Holy Ghost appeared in the New Testament to empower the believer to live a holy and separated life.
We believe that all believers need to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to live a set apart life from sin.
We believe that those who desire the Holy Ghost must be saved and desire the gift according to Acts 2:4.
We believe that the Bible is the written, infallible words of God that are without error or mistake.
We believe that deliverance can be obtained by Godly prayer, fasting, a changed lifestyle, and total dependence on God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, hung on the cross, was buried, and got up days later, with all power in His hands to save mankind from the sins of this world.
We believe in the formal and informal praise and worship of Almighty God as a proper spirit-led corporate acknowledgment and response to His person and work.
We believe that we are Kingdom People with a Kingdom Agenda to advance the Kingdom and witness to a lost and dying world.
We believe that Praise and Worship usher us into a new place with God and that the Word of God will transform our lives to be effective Kingdom citizens.
We believe that the celebration of life’s accomplishments, failures, triumphs, tragedies, will catapult us to our next level of Kingdom assignment.
We believe that our perpetuated destiny lies in our obedience to God, His word, His will, and His character.